J2EE Programming
A platform from Sun Micro Systems for building distributed enterprise applications. J2EE services are performed in the middle-tier between the user's machine and the enterprise's databases and legacy information systems. J2EE comprises a specification, reference implementation and set of testing suites. Its core component is Java Server Pages (JSPs) & Java Servlets.
- Introduction to Web Application structure
- Java Servlet
- HTTP protocol
- Session Management
- Servlet with Database Connectivity
- Essentials of JSPs
- JSP tags-Scripting Elements
- Life cycles of JSPs
- JSP tags-Directives
- JSP Action tags
- Implicit objects
- JSP Exception Handling
- What is web service?
- Web service components
- Understanding WSDL file
- Use of SOAP message
- Understanding registering with UDDI
- Core Design Patterns
- Web-Tier Design Patterns
- Integration Design Patterns
- Model Layer Design Patterns
- Introduction to Struts
- MVC Architecture
- Struts Architecture
- Struts Core Components (Interceptors, ValueStack, OGNL ect.)
- Introduction to Struts Controller
- Introduction to ActionClass
- Introduction to ActionForm class
- Struts Validation
- Introduction to Hibernate
- Hibernate Architecture
- Hibernate Annotations
- Hibernate Mappings
- CRUD operations
- HQL and Query Language
- Pagination in HQL
- Introduction to Criteria API
- Understanding Restrictions
- Projections
- Dependency Injection
- Spring Bean Factory
- ApplicationContext
- Constructor-injection
- Spring Collections
- Bean Autowiring
- Bean Scopes
- Spring inheritance
- Event Handling in Spring
- JDBC Template
- Spring AOP
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