The jQuery function $() is used to find elements on the page to work with.
Common Selectors
Selector | Usage | Description |
element | $(“p”).hide(); | The jQuery element selector selects elements based on the element name. |
#id | $(“#test”).hide(); | The #id selector – Jquery id selector uses the id attribute of an HTML tag to find the specific element. |
.class | $(“.test”).hide(); | The .class selector -JQuery class selector finds elements with a specific class. |
:first | $(“p:first”).hide(); | The first p element. |
:last | $(“p:last”).hide(); | The last p element. |
:even | $(“tr:even”) | All even tr elements |
:odd | $(“tr:odd”) | All odd tr elements. |
:first-child | $(“p:first-child”) | All p elements that are the first child of their parents. |
:last-child | $(“p:last-child”) | All p elements that are the last child of their parents. |
:nth-child(n) | $(“p:nth-child(2)”) | All p elements that are the nth child of their parents. |
:input | $(“:input”) | All input elements. |
:text | $(“:text”) | All input elements with type=”text”. |
:radio | $(“:radio”) | All input elements with type=”radio”. |
:checkbox | $(“:checkbox”) | All input elements with type=”checkbox”. |
:submit | $(“:submit”) | All input elements with type=”submit”. |
:button | $(“:button”) | All input elements with type=”button”. |
Event | Usage | Description |
$(document).ready() | $(document).ready(function(){ … }); |
Allows us to execute a function when the document is fully loaded. This is to prevent any jQuery code from running before the document is finished loading (is ready). |
click() | $(“p”).click(function(){ $(this).hide(); }); |
The click() method attaches an event handler function to an HTML element. The function is executed when the user clicks on the HTML element. |
dblclick() | $(“p”).dblclick(function(){ $(this).hide(); }); |
The dblclick() method attaches an event handler function to an HTML element. The function is executed when the user double-clicks on the HTML element. |
mouseenter() | $(“#p1”).mouseenter(function(){ alert(“You entered p1!”); }); |
The mouseenter() method attaches an event handler function to an HTML element. The function is executed when the mouse pointer enters the HTML element. |
mouseleave() | $(“#p1”).mouseleave(function(){ alert(“Bye! You now leave p1!”); }); |
The mouseleave() method attaches an event handler function to an HTML element. The function is executed when the mouse pointer leaves the HTML element. |
Method | Usage | Description |
hide() show() |
$(“#id”).click(function(){ $(“p”).hide(); }); $(selector).hide(speed,callback); |
hide and show HTML elements The optional speed parameter specifies the speed of the hiding/showing, and can take the following values: “slow”, “fast”, or milliseconds. The optional callback parameter is a function to be executed after the hide() or show() method completes. |
toggle() | $(“p”).toggle(); | toggle between hide and show, shown elements are hidden and hidden are shown. |
fadeIn(), fadeOut(), fadeToggle(), fadeTo() | $(selector).fadeIn(speed,callback); $(“#div1”).fadeIn(); $(“#div2”).fadeIn(“slow”); |
methods to fade in a hidden element, fade out a visible element, toggle between fadein and fadeout, or fadeto a given opacitiy. |
callback | $(“button”).click(function(){ $(“p”).hide(“slow”,function(){ alert(“The paragraph is now hidden”); }); }); |
A callback function is executed after the current effect is 100% finished. |
Manipulating Elements and Content
Method | Usage | Description |
html() | $(“p”).html(“Hello <b>world</b>!”); | Can both read the current HTML inside an element and replace the current contents with some other HTML. |
text() | $(“p”).text(“Hello world!”); | like .html but does not accept html tags. Useful for replacing text within a tag. |
Modify HTML and CSS
Method | Usage | Description |
addClass() | $(“p”).addClass(“intro”); | Adds classname to the selected elements |
removeClass() | $(“p”).removeClass(“intro”); | Remove the class name from selected elements. |
toggleClass() | $(“p”).toggleClass(“intro”); | Add the class if it doesn’t exist, remove the class if it does. |
css() | var bgcolor=$(“#main”).css(“background-color”) $(“#body”).css(“font-size”, “200%”) |
Sets or returns one or more style properties for the selected elements.. |
val() | Var amount=$(“#quantity”).val(); | Set and get the value of INPUT field |
Modify HTML
Method | Usage | Description |
attr() | $(“#banner” img).attr(“src”, “images/newImage.png”); | Adds an attribute |
removeAttr() | $(“body”).removeAttr(“bgcolor”); | Removes an attribute. |
Traversing the DOM
Method | Usage | Description |
next() | $(this).next(‘.someclass’).fadeIn(); | Finds the next sibling of the current selection. Has an optional selector parameter to limit it to the next sibling of a particular type. |
Method | Usage | Description |
each() | $(“button”).click(function(){ $(“li”).each(function(){ alert($(this).text()) }); }); |
The each() method specifies a function to run for each matched element. |